From the sea rose a magician . He saw 2 islands with happy people -Island A , Island B . He called the meeting of both island people separately and told them he could give them limitless food,wine ,pleasure,luxury or he could give them a fishing rod and teach them to fish .People could choose any one .
Poeple of island A chose to take a fishing rod , and toiled day and night . People of island B chose pleaure , life with food/wine and luxury ..years passed.
20 years down the line
-people of island A were absolutely independent , they had learnt to fish well, learnt the seasons ,naunces to catch the best fish , breed more fish ..the world was dpendent on them and they started to get prosperous and rich and successful
-people of island B had become very dependent on the blessing of the magician , and could do nothing on their own. They were tatally dependent on him and his mercy / whims and fancies .They were enslaved as people , society . Their moral fabric was totally empty for they ahd no skill except waiting for charity
So always be appreciative of people who try and teach you skills , rather than people who subsidise your efforts ,make you dependent and take away your spirit and skill . Teach yourself to be self reliant