thank you friends for reading ; hope... it helps

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

The baggage in the mind

There were 2 monks and they were crossing a river called Desire. Of the two monks one was old and one was young. When they came to the banks of the river, they saw a young, beautiful girl from the city pacing frantically.

The younger monk walked on, but the older one stopped to talk to the girl and see if he could help her.She said she wanted to cross the river but could not as she did not know how to swim.The older monk offered to carry her on his back and cross the river, which they all did. They crossed the river, the girl got off the monk’s back and she went her way and the two monks went their way

The next day the younger monk asked the older monk “Master, was her body, too heavy for you to carry? Did her youthfulness disturb your mind? Did her long hair disturb your face as we waded across the river? Did her wet clothes make you feel uncomfortable “

The older monk replied “My dear, I carried her, dropped her at the bank yesterday, and forgot all about it, why are you still carrying her till now? Why are you disturbed till now when you had nothing to do with it?


Most of the stress we have is in our minds and our own creation .This is because of what others do or do not do; because of what others have .The despair is because of what we do not have. Let go, for what was not yours and it will cease to disturb

Friday, 12 June 2009

A Glove Full of Problems

The world was full of problems , and everyone felt very unhappy with the circumstances , with god and everyone blamed everyone else , for their misery.So during Christmas Santa said that everyone write your problems on paper and put them in a glove . Everyone wrote their long lists and put them in a glove.

Thereafter Santa said , please read , pick any one else’s problem other than yours from the glove , read it and take it if you want . For few days everyone read , every one else’s problem other than theirs .

When the new year came they all left with a list of problems – which was their own . For they realized that the problems others had seemed much bigger than their own problems . SO they went back contented and happy , feeling that god was kind to them

And by the way I forgot , during these days a man sat outside the hall where everyone had gathered feeling miserable that he did not have good shoes to wear and go inside and meet Santa and give his list of problems . This was till the time when on new year he saw a small boy coming out of the hall , actually hobbling out of the hall . Seeing closer he saw that the boy had no feet .


Life’s seeming problems are a reason to make us stronger and to thank god/ everyone for what we have . For time and tide waits for none and we need to learn to be able to handle all life’s diversity with a balanced mind.For we do not know that what some-one else goes through

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Learn to Fish

From the sea rose a magician . He saw 2 islands with happy people -Island A , Island B . He called the meeting of both island people separately and told them he could give them limitless food,wine ,pleasure,luxury or he could give them a fishing rod and teach them to fish .People could choose any one .

Poeple of island A chose to take a fishing rod , and toiled day and night . People of island B chose pleaure , life with food/wine and luxury ..years passed.

20 years down the line
-people of island A were absolutely independent , they had learnt to fish well, learnt the seasons ,naunces to catch the best fish , breed more fish ..the world was dpendent on them and they started to get prosperous and rich and successful
-people of island B had become very dependent on the blessing of the magician , and could do nothing on their own. They were tatally dependent on him and his mercy / whims and fancies .They were enslaved as people , society . Their moral fabric was totally empty for they ahd no skill except waiting for charity

So always be appreciative of people who try and teach you skills , rather than people who subsidise your efforts ,make you dependent and take away your spirit and skill . Teach yourself to be self reliant

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

The crow

  • The crow

There was a man with a small son of 3 years . Looking at a crow ,on the terrace the son would ask endlessly “dada what is this “ . His dada would reply patiently “that is a crow “. This would go on for hours repeatedly everyday , the son would ask and the old man would be patient/calm enough to reply .Everytime repeatedly everyday , everyweek .The father always had a smile , and an indulgent look feeling that his son was curious and was learning

As time flew by and life turned a circle the father was an old man with failing eyesight /hearing ; the son was a young man . On a terrace the father would sleep as the sun gave his tired bones energy . A crow would constantly come and caw , disturbing the old man’s much needed sleep . He asked his son “ beta , what is that which disturb me “ . The son replied “it is a crow “ . The father short of hearing and eyesight asked again , the son replied again , but with a lot of irritation . The father asked again the same question the next day and the son , was livid with anger at his father and he snubbed him “ why can you not understand once . I do not have the time to stand here and repeat it , constantly !” .The son felt his father was being silly and was doing it deliberately to irritate him


time and tide can turn anytime ..always have the patience to help /give and never give up humility ..the circle of life always completes the turn

Stories with a message

I write the stories as I see things , observe them , experience them . The hope is that people read , share it with their families /colleagues..just about anyone which makes them stop and think ..have I stopped being human , have I stopped being a nice person .For all of it makes a complete , successful ,happy –human being


Happy reading –pls feel free to comment , add ,critique