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Friday, 12 June 2009

A Glove Full of Problems

The world was full of problems , and everyone felt very unhappy with the circumstances , with god and everyone blamed everyone else , for their misery.So during Christmas Santa said that everyone write your problems on paper and put them in a glove . Everyone wrote their long lists and put them in a glove.

Thereafter Santa said , please read , pick any one else’s problem other than yours from the glove , read it and take it if you want . For few days everyone read , every one else’s problem other than theirs .

When the new year came they all left with a list of problems – which was their own . For they realized that the problems others had seemed much bigger than their own problems . SO they went back contented and happy , feeling that god was kind to them

And by the way I forgot , during these days a man sat outside the hall where everyone had gathered feeling miserable that he did not have good shoes to wear and go inside and meet Santa and give his list of problems . This was till the time when on new year he saw a small boy coming out of the hall , actually hobbling out of the hall . Seeing closer he saw that the boy had no feet .


Life’s seeming problems are a reason to make us stronger and to thank god/ everyone for what we have . For time and tide waits for none and we need to learn to be able to handle all life’s diversity with a balanced mind.For we do not know that what some-one else goes through


  1. The idea of story wriring in blog is good,
    its a great idea and the the stories take of the mind of reader from routine life which is refreshing and has vicarious reinforcement.

  2. cool have fun..share it with your friends , anyone you care to share it

  3. someone said...
    "think of life as a teabag,it shows its strength in hot water.So when problems upset u,pause n know, u must b God's favourite cup of tea"
    tryin 2 motivate others the way u do sir...
    u r the best..will miss u sir
