thank you friends for reading ; hope... it helps

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

believe in yourself

An accident deprived the village headman of the use of his legs , he took to walking on crutches. He gradually developed the ability to move with speed -- even to dance and execute little pirouettes for the entertainment of his neighbors. It soon became a status symbol in the village to walk on crutches, and before long everyone was doing so.By the fourth generation everyone walked with crutches. The village craftsmen became famous for the quality of the crutches they produced.

One day a young boy presented himself before the village elders and demanded to know why everyone had to walk on crutches since they had been provided with legs to walk on.

The village elders were amused that this upstart should think himself wiser than they so they decided to teach him a lesson. "Why don't you show us how?" they said. A demonstration was fixed for the following day. Everyone was there when the young man hobbled on his crutches to the middle of the square, stood upright, and dropped his crutches. A hush fell on the crowd as he took a bold step forward -- and fell flat on his face. ith that everyone was confirmed in their belief that it was quite impossible to walk without the help of crutches.

The boy got up again , dusted himself, and after a few stumbles started to hobble and walk …the villagers thought it was a miracle !!

Message: Never lose faith in your ability to ask questions and move ahead when you know the answers ,even if he others are not trusting .Avoid the company of people who are unable to think beyond; the mercurial world teaches people to be followers and not use their minds.Do not doubt yourself because others could not understand ...

adapted from :the prayer of the frog

Friday, 26 March 2010

i want to be happy

Once, a young lonely  boy, despondent and lonely, walked through a meadow and saw a small butterfly caught in a thorn bush.  The more the butterfly struggled to free itself, the deeper the thorns cut into its fragile body.
 Filled with compassion, the boy released the butterfly. But, instead of flying away, the butterfly transformed into an angel and said gently, "To reward you for your kindness, I will do whatever you like.”The boy thought for a moment, and then replied, "I want to be happy!"
 "Very well," the angel said. Then the heavenly creature leaned close to the boy and whispered something in his ear.

 Many years later, as the boy lay on his deathbed after a full and happy life, his friends gathered around him. "Won't you tell us your secret now," they pleaded. With a labored smile, the man answered,"An angel told me that no matter where I went in life, I would find people who needed me-- people rich or poor, young or old, meek or self assured-- and helping those people SMILE would bring me happiness and satisfaction."
Somewhere in your life there is someone who needs your smile. Are you willing to be an angel  ? Share a smile, for it goes a long mile, fill someone’s day with happiness, each day is a gift, that is why it is called a present...give someone a present today …share this secret …I hope I did 

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Waiting for the Right Choice ?

People spend a lifetime trying to find a right choice...some people get stuck without the right choice .some people change their selves –their conversation , their looks , their being to be part of a crowd to find the right choice …But hey is that the right choice ..That is because we want people to conform
  • To being there continuously
  • To love us unceasingly
  • To become trophies because the society wanted so, the parents wanted so...because time is passing by ..not because we wanted so...
Hence at times people are pressured to feel the absence of someone permanent, the pain of not having to say...i own him, her …This pressure makes them become what they are not ,but they clone other s who they thought were better at this ,,but they were not ..they or their circumstances forced them to comply .In a college we want company as it is out of fashion to be alone, when of marriageable age parents and peers force people to get hitched...for that is natural...but not doing so, does not mean that they were correct.So there must be someone who is ok to every-one and fits your picture ...but hey fingers of the hand were never equal.

So when you choose to look for a soul-mate do you put up conditions unending? The concept of soul mates is so much heard of, very difficult to experience...but as is written
  • A soul mate is somebody with whom one has a feeling of deep and natural affinity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, and/or compatibility. A related concept is that of the twin flame or twin soul – which is thought to be the ultimate soul mate, the one and only other half of one's soul, for which all souls are driven to find and join.
  • This feeling is automatic
A soul-mate is one where you can feel the pain , you can feel the pleasure , where you can be your self and not have to put up a pretence .The gaze they have is honest , the conversation the truth can be your self..
 So why do we search so much .at times when we find someone who we felt was a soul mate ..why do we test it continuously??. so come-on  let us connect with who we felt were our soul-mates..made us happy ,sad and we felt wee could conquer the world.. and then feel a little better , rather than feel unhappy..

Life will find its own meaning...for unknown are the reasons people and hearts come together...they met for some reason …maybe your soul-mate was not the traditional definition this world had…but if you felt comfortable...let the connect remain..kal ho na ho.