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Saturday, 8 May 2010

Love ..and the art of living

Someone once preserved this article ..

Love is that it can't be betrayed. If love can be betrayed, then it is not love. If you love someone unconditionally, how can that love be betrayed? Because you never expected anything out of that, still giving your love. You are giving your love, radiating it; if somebody accept it good else also well because both are happening outside. If the other accept then they will get your love else they wont get it, and that is the difference. It is not that you are not giving -- you go on giving your love but only the other side is closed. This is the secret of all the people who created history. Only the love outlives and nothing else.

Love and life both are not a commodity, it is a sheer gift. One of the reasons why love is so scarce in this world is because we are expecting that people should deserve it, only then can they get it. Absolutely  wrong. When you love someone, you can't say why, you can't answer; you can simply say "I love." There is no rationality in it. You can't get love by force; you can't even win love by power; it is not the power that wins; it is peace, it is love, it is consciousness, which goes on winning.

Look at the whole history – the powerful have not been of any importance in human growth, and they have not been able to hinder anything that is of authentic value.

 Love is not the past, not the future, It is the present; You can't say you loved someone or you will love someone because love is neither the past nor the present. If you say so, then your love is political and you expect something in return. If your love is always in the present and unconditional then I hope you will never have any enemy or adversary. You will never be jealous or selfish, but you will be conscious. All that you can do is be more loving, be conscious and let forgiveness and loving unconditionally be your habit – Love people not for any reason at all. 

Just loving is so good, so beautiful, so intrinsically blissful, that it is not a question whether the person who is loved deserves it or not.

What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined for life? to strengthen each other ,to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories.People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.It is with that person you can be who you are , with no masks , no pretense and no pressure to belong to the drudgery and dance of the mercurial world...

That possibly is love and  the art of living.

1 comment:

  1. So true...........

    The greatest thing in life is finding someone who knows all your mistakes and differences and still finds you absolutely amazing.
