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Monday, 3 May 2010

power of words ..

An old Buddist master spoke to his students “ Tonight I would speak to you about the power of words and wise speech . According to Buddha the wise speech is truthful , gentle ,helpful . And the wise one ignores the wrong, harsh  speech of others“.A young discisple said “ sir I do not understand . Stones can hurt ,theft can deprive , but words are just sounds , they can mean nothing ..i disagree”

The old master said “ little one, if you were not such an ignorant fool , you would understand sit down and do not bug me , and stop interrupting “.Red faced the disciple sat ,eyes moist , fists clenched and hurting deep ..he was shaking ..the master asked “ little one – you seem disturbed ?”

The discisple blurted “ you are older , you hurt me , insulted me , you cannot be a master and a teacher words hurt me are a fraud” . The master replied ..” ahha ..the wrong words do make an impact .”

Words give birth to ideas ,create emotions , rule the hears of men and women , and can be constructive or destructive .

In the bible it says “ A gentle answer turns away wrath , but a harsh word stirs up anger “ , and so it is said that wise people must choose their company carefully , for the company influences the kind of words , speech , for their speech can become a part of our responses ..

The ear affects the soul, the soul affects the body ..every word impact the listener god gave us two ears to listen to good words and the other to ignore the bad words or the harshness that people or the world can speak ..

So choose to let kind words into your ear ..they will enter your soul..amen

Message : what we habitually say in our heads , we usually end up saying with our lips , which ultimately directs our feet “

So , my dear ..friend ..
..ignore the unkind words of people , word ..allow the nice , kind words to come in not let someone’s diatribe ,unkindness impact ,affect you ..…

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